• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of BIM Technology in the Construction Phase of Ji'nan Nursing Career Academy Training Building

  • 摘要: BIM技术的落地应用一直以来是困扰施工单位的难题,本项目综合运用管线综合、深化设计、三维扫描逆向建模、无人机+倾斜摄影、5D平台、3D打印、VR等BIM技术和手段,在工期管理、质量管理、安全管理、物资管理、成本管理、组织协调等方面进行了深度应用,为BIM技术在常规工程中的应用进行了深入探索。通过BIM技术的应用,解决了工期紧张、环境要求苛刻等难题,提高了工作流程转化的效率,项目质量、安全及成本等目标得以顺利实现。通过BIM技术深入实践,培育了创新主体及创新平台,稳定了创新团队。利用BIM技术信息共享、资源整合的显著优势,优化了现有的管理流程和管理思维,提供了解决问题的新思路、新办法,对企业探索研究新的管理方式有着重要意义。


    Abstract: The practical application of BIM technology has always been a difficult problem for construction companies. The project integrates BIM with other technologies such as pipeline synthesis, deep design development, 3D scanning reverse modeling, UAV + tilt photography, 5D platform, 3D printing, VR, and etc., and applies them in time management, quality management, safety management, material management, cost management, organization and coordination. The project is pioneer exploring the application of BIM technology in conventional engineering. Through the application of BIM technology, the difficulties such as tight construction period and harsh environmental requirements are solved, the efficiency of workflow transformation is improved, and the objectives of project quality, safety and cost are smoothly realized. Through the in-depth practice of BIM technology, innovative subjects and innovation platforms have been cultivated, and the innovation team has been stabilized. The BIM technology takes remarkable advantages of information sharing and resource integration, optimizing the existing management process and management thinking, and providing new ideas and new ways to solve problems, which is of great significance for enterprises to explore new ways of management.


