• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


BIM Application in Construction Phase of BeijingNew Airport Working Area Project 002 Bid Section

  • 摘要: 随着BIM技术在国内的大力推广,房建施工项目的BIM技术应用在图纸二次深化设计、5D施工协同管理、施工技术优化、可视化施工交底、碰撞检查等方面已经变得越来越落地,能够取得显著成效。然而,由于市政工程的特殊性,无论是在模型的创建、模型在平台间的传递、应用平台的适用性等方面皆存在较大的问题,现阶段市政工程项目的BIM技术应用情况不容乐观。本文主要针对北京新机场工作区工程(市政交通)-道桥及管网工程GZQ-DQJGW-002标段这一典型市政公用工程,探索其在施工过程当中具有实际成效的BIM技术应用点,整理出了一些创新性的、在同领域具有推广应用价值的BIM技术应用,同时,对采用的非常规BIM软件应用情况进行总结,对市政工程BIM技术应用落地起到了一定的指导作用。


    Abstract: With the vigorous promotion of BIM technology in China, the application of BIM technology in housing construction projects in becoming increasingly implementable in areas such as deepening design of drawings, 5D collaborative construction management, construction technology optimization, visual construction disclosure, collision inspection and etc., achieving remarkable effects. However, considering the specific characteristics of the municipal engineering, there are many problems faced in the creation of the model, the transfer of the models between platforms and the applicability of the application platform, making an unoptimistic situation for current BIM application in municipal engineering projects. Taking a typical municipal public works of the bid section GZQ-DQJGW-002 of road and bridge and pipeline network project in Beijing new airport workshop project (municipal transportation) as an example, this paper explores the practical application of BIM technology in the construction process, sorting out some innovative applications of BIM technology with popularization and application value in the same field. At the same time, the application of unconventional BIM software is summarized, which plays a guiding role in the implementation of municipal engineering BIM technology.


