• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Applications of BIM+GIS in Cooperative Management Platform for Tongzhou Cultural Tourist Area

  • 摘要: 通州文旅区项目由通州区政府投资建设,具有建设体量大、建设周期长、项目信息多源以及区域协调难度大等特点,根据项目实际需求,构建基于BIM+GIS的区域协同管理平台,实现对项目的全程、全员、全专业的协同管理。平台采用用户层、应用层、数据层和服务层四层架构体系,包括九大基础应用模块和三大功能应用模块,采用了模型融合、模型轻量化、VR展示和三维渲染等关键性技术。通过平台在通州文旅区项目中的应用,验证了该平台在提高区域建设协同管理水平等方面的可行性。


    Abstract: The Tongzhou Cultural Tourist District Project is a construction project invested and constructed by the Tongzhou District Government, which possesses many characteristics of large construction volume, long construction cycle, complex project information and the difficulty of regional coordination. According to the actual needs of the project, a regional collaborative management platform is established based on the BIM+GIS technology to realize the collaborative management of the whole project, the whole staff and the whole profession. The platform adopts a four-tier architecture of user tier, application tier, data tier and service tier, including nine basic modules and three functional application modules. Key technologies adopted in the platform include model fusion, model lightweight, VR display and 3D rendering. Through the application of the platform in Tongzhou Cultural Tourist District project, the feasibility and value of such platform in improving the level of regional construction collaborative management are verified.


