• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Introduction of Construction Characteristics of a Partial Prefabricated Building

  • 摘要: 近年来,国家、各省市、自治区不断出台推进装配式建筑发展的政策文件,大力推进装配式建筑应用,主要有全装配式和装配整体式两种,其中装配整体式建筑是目前行业中采用较多的形式。本文结合某装配整体式建筑的建设过程,对装配整体式建筑施工的相关问题进行梳理,并提出相关意见建议:应注重装配式建筑设计阶段针对PC构件应用的整体规划,以及实施阶段设计图纸的有效转化,将设计、生产、施工流程贯通,严格控制PC构件质量,方能保证装配式建筑技术的优越性得到发挥。


    Abstract: There have been many policy documents in state-, province- and city-levels about the development of prefabricated buildings in recent years, which are aiming at promoting the application of prefabricated buildings. Currently, the prefabricated buildings can be built by two forms of fully prefabrication and partial prefabrication, in which the latter one is of more applications in the industry. This paper introduces the construction progress of a certain partial prefabricated building project, and sorts out the problems related to the construction of partial prefabricated building. Relevant opinions and suggests are promoted that, in the design stage, the overall planning of PC component application deserves more attention to be paid, and that effective transformation of design drawings should be noticed in the implementation stage to connect the design, production and construction processes. Only by strictly controlling the quality of PC components, can the superiority of assembly building technology be brought into full play.


