• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on IFC-Based Subway Shield General Segment Information Model

  • 摘要: 随着我国交通压力的增大,地铁成为了缓解交通压力的主要出行方式。目前地铁建设进入了一个高峰期,但隧道质量问题也接踵而至。盾构法已在隧道施工方法中占据主导地位,在盾构法隧道中,管片全生命周期质量直接决定整个隧道工程的质量。目前,管片检测技术采用人工工作的方法,存在信息处理慢、信息不共享等问题,如何借助信息技术,实现检测信息的集成化管理,已经成为一种趋势。本文首先分析了管片各个阶段的检测信息。然后,基于IFC标准模型体系、扩展方式和图形表达方法,对管片检测信息进行了表达和扩展,建立了基于IFC标准的管片检测信息模型。


    Abstract: With the increase of traffic pressure in China, the subway has become the main mode of travel to relieve traffic pressure. At present, the construction of the subway has entered a peak period, but the quality problems of the tunnel has also come one after another. The shield method has already dominated the tunnel construction methods. In the shield tunneling, the quality of the entire life cycle of the segment directly determines the quality of the entire tunnel project. At present, the segment detection technology adopts the method of manual work, there are problems such as slow information processing and information sharing troubles. How to use information technology to realize integrated management of detection information has become a trend. Firstly, this article analyzes the inspection information at each stage of the segment. Then, based on the IFC standard model system, expansion methods and graphic representation methods, the segment detection information was expressed and extended, and a segment detection information model based on the IFC standard was established.


