• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Innovative Modularized Precast Self-Insulation Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls

  • 摘要: 为研究新型模块化装配式自保温混凝土剪力墙在不同轴压比作用下的抗震性能,设计并制作了4组共12个混凝土剪力墙试件,所有试件均为配筋相同的一字型剪力墙,两端设置暗柱,包括1组实心现浇对比剪力墙试件,1组预制空心后填实剪力墙试件和2组新型自保温预制混凝土剪力墙试件,对其进行低周反复加载试验。采用ABAQUS有限元软件建立自保温混凝土剪力墙精细化有限元分析模型。试验结果表明,在3种设计轴压比下,自保温预制剪力墙的平均屈服荷载和平均峰值荷载均与预制实心剪力墙近乎相等;自保温预制剪力墙的延性系数和累积耗能均低于预制实心剪力墙;自保温预制剪力墙的刚度退化规律与预制实心剪力墙相近。在三种设计轴压比下,当顶点水平位移在±20mm以内时,在相同顶点水平位移下自保温预制剪力墙和预制实心剪力墙的耗能系数接近;当顶点水平位移大于±20mm时,在相同顶点水平位移下自保温预制剪力墙的耗能系数略大于预制实心剪力墙。自保温预制剪力墙试件峰值荷载的数值模拟结果与试验结果的误差在5%以内,满足工程精度要求。


    Abstract: To investigate the seismic behavior of innovative precast self-insulation reinforced concrete shear walls under different axial compression ratios, the authors conducted reversed cyclic loading test through designing and manufacturing 4 groups of 12 RC shear wall specimens, which are all ingle-shaped shear walls with the same reinforcement, and with hidden columns at both ends. All specimens include one group of solid cast-in-situ shear wall specimens for contrast, one group of post-filled hollow precast shear wall specimens, and two group of innovative precast self-insulation precast RC shear wall specimens. A refined finite element analysis model of self-insulating concrete shear wall is established by using ABAQUS finite element software. Results indicate that the self-insulation precast shear walls perform equally well in averaged yielding load and peak load in comparison with the precast solid shear walls under the three design axial compression ratios. While the ductility ratios and accumulated dissipated energy of precast self-insulation shear walls are lower than those of precast solid shear walls, the stiffness degradation curves of the two kinds of shear walls are smilar with each other. When the horizontal displacement at the top of shear walls is within ±20 mm, the energy dissipation ratios of the two kinds of shear walls are similar under the three designed axial compression ratios, but when the horizontal displacement is over ±20 mm, the energy dissipation ratio of the precast self-insulation shear walls will be somehow higher than that of solid shear walls. The error between the numerical simulation results and the test results of the peak load test of the self-insulation precast shear wall specimens are within 5%, which satisfies the engineering accuracy.


