• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on VR Collaborative Design System for Construction Industry

  • 摘要: 随着建筑领域的智能化发展,工程建设企业逐步向数字化转型。VR技术的显现也让BIM的三维可视化发挥到极致1。将BIM与VR相结合应用在建筑行业中,通过将已有的BIM模型库批量转换为VR模型库,进一步设计出BIM和VR协作子系统,解决了不同设计单位在线协同工作、施工安全与质量和工程进度把控等问题,也让设计师和消费者们通过沉浸式的动态漫游,身临其境,切身感受到建筑的存在。在工程建设领域意义巨大。


    Abstract: With the development of intelligence in the construction field, the engineering construction enterprises are gradually transforming into digital ones.The emergence of VR also maximizes the 3D visualization of BIM.Combining the BIM and VR in the construction industry, the existed BIM model libraries are able to convert into VR model libraries in batches, and furtherly the subsystem of BIM and VR for collaboration can be designed.The system solves the problems of online collaborative work of different design units, construction safety and quality control and project progress control.It also enables designers and consumers to experience the existence of buildings through immersive dynamic roaming.The study is of great significance in the field of construction industry.


