• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of BIM Technology in the Reconstruction and Expansion of Express Highway

  • 摘要: 2017年9月初,为贯彻实施《交通运输信息化“十三五”发展规划》,发挥现代信息技术在工程管理中的作用,国家交通运输部决定开展公路BIM技术应用示范工程建设,以提高公路建设管理水平。京沪高速公路莱芜至临沂(鲁苏界)段改扩建工程为五大示范项目之一,示范任务为基于BIM技术的项目管理示范。本文以京沪高速公路改扩建为例,针对高速公路改扩建施工特点,全生命周期运用BIM技术进行公路改扩建深入探索,以用来指导现场施工。通过应用BIM技术,结合高速公路改扩建全过程施工,总结出BIM技术在高速公路改扩建中的综合应用,为后续公路改扩建工程施工在基础设施BIM领域提供应用经验。


    Abstract: In early September 2017, for better implementing the "13th 5-year Development Plan for Transportation Informationization", and fully playing the role of modern information technology in the project management, the Ministry of Transport in China decided to carry out construction of BIM Technology Application Demonstration Project in the field of highway industry, to improve the level of highway management and construction. The reconstruction and expansion project of Laiwu-Linyi (Lusujie) section of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway becomes one of the five demonstration projects, with the task of project management demonstration of using the BIM technology. Considering the characteristics of the reconstruction and expansion project, this paper explores the whole life-cycle BIM application in the highway reconstruction and expansion, aiming at guiding the on-site construction. Through the practice of BIM application in the life-cycle construction of highway reconstruction and expansion project, a comprehensive application method in highway reconstruction and expansion has been concluded, providing experiences for the following-up highway reconstruction and expansion projects in BIM application in the infrastructure field.


