• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


On BIM Application in Marketing Stage of Residential Real Estate

  • 摘要: BIM技术作为目前建筑工程先进技术之一,其在设计、施工及运维阶段所创造的价值已经被越来越多的行业及企业所认同。当前BIM技术在房地产行业营销阶段的应用处于点状应用的状态,主要原因在于其在营销阶段的BIM技术应用尚未形成一种贯穿整个营销过程的应用方法。通过对影响购房者决策因素的综合研究,利用BIM技术的可视化、协调性、模拟性、优化性等特征在房产中的应用分析,参考多项BIM技术应用点,总结形成一套较为完整的方法。通过从购房者的角度进行思考,利用BIM可视化技术展示购房者购房环节关心的要点,从而最终形成住宅房产营销BIM技术应用方法,把营销管理上升到企业发展的战略高度,从研究消费者的需求出发展望全过程的营销。


    Abstract: As one of the most advanced technologies in the construction fields, the BIM technology has created great values in the design, construction, operation and maintenance period, which is gaining its wider acceptation in the industry and companies. At present, the BIM application in the marketing stage of the real estate industry is still limited with some areas, and there is not a method of BIM application throughout the marketing stage. This paper comprehensively studies the various factors that affect the decision-making of the real estate buyer, and analyzes the advantages of BIM application of visualization, coordination, simulation and optimization in the real estate industry. Considering the many application areas of BIM technology, a complete set of application methods of BIM is summarized and created. To consider problems from the prospect of real estate buyers, and to exhibit the top concerned issues of the real estate buyers in the purchase process through the visualized BIM model, the complete application method of BIM technology in the residential real estate marketing is finally formed, promoting the marketing management to the strategic height of enterprise development, and looking forward to the whole process of marketing from the perspective of studying the needs of consumers.


