• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Study on BIM-Based Energy Consumption Monitoring Platform of Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Lanzhou Rail Transit

  • 摘要: 本文阐述基于BIM的兰州轨道交通通风空调能耗监控平台设计方案,平台通过采集车站大系统环控设备运行能耗、运行状态、车站公共区环境、客流、室外气象等数据,以BIM可视化为数据展现方式,对大系统通风空调设备运行能耗和降温效果进行实时监测,同时利用数据分析处理的方法对监测数据进行分析预测。以兰州轨道交通东方红广场站为试点,探索通风空调节能优化控制方法,实现设备能耗分析与优化控制有效结合,提高城市轨道交通运营阶段环控系统节能管控能力。


    Abstract: This paper introduces the design scheme of the BIM-based energy consumption monitoring platform for ventilation and air conditioning of Lanzhou rail transit. The platform collects data for the station, including the energy consumption and operation status of environmental control equipment in large system, the station public area environment, passenger flow and outdoor weather. All data can be visualized through BIM, to monitor the real time energy consumption and cooling effect of ventilation and air conditioning equipment in large system. Meanwhile, the method of data analysis and processing is adopted to detect the monitored data. Taking the Dongfanghong Square station of Lanzhou rail transit as a pilot, this paper explores the optimal control method of ventilation and air conditioning energy saving, and realizes the effective combination of energy consumption analysis and optimal control, which will effectively improve the energy-saving management and control ability of environmental control system in urban rail transit operation stage.


