• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Auxiliary Approval Technology for Construction Projects Based on BIM Technology

  • 摘要: 为贯彻落实国务院关于深化“放管服”改革和优化营商环境的部署要求,以推进政府治理体系和治理能力现代化为目标,改进工程建设立项规划审批周期长、制度性交易成本高、工程建设项目报审数据量庞大、附件资料繁杂等问题。基于现有的工程审批平台进行优化,开发建设BIM辅助工程审批管理系统,通过模型轻量化与参数预制与提取,在收集到的信息中抽取审批过程中所需数据、图纸、图像,转化成审批所需表单,形成智能表单并推送至审批平台,为原有审批系统提供自动化计算数据,实现辅助审批、智能监管,集合建设项目设计、施工、维护的动态数据,实现对建设项目全生命周期等各个阶段进行信息化管理。


    Abstract: In order to implement the deployment requirements of the State Council on deepening the reform to streamline administration, to delegate powers and improve regulation and services, and to optimize the business environment, the study sets the goal of promoting the modernization of the government's governance system and governance capacity, and aims at solving the problems including the long period of project approval, the high cost of institutional transactions, the large amount of data submitted for approval of engineering construction projects, and the complexity of attachments. A BIM-based auxiliary approval management system for projects is developed by optimizing the existing project approval platform. Through the model lightweight and extraction of prefabricated parameters, the system is able to extract the data, drawings and images needed in the approval process from the collected information, and convert them into the forms needed for approval to form intelligent charts submission to the approval platform. The system is able to provide automatic calculation data for the original approval system, realize auxiliary approval and intelligent supervision, collect dynamic data of construction project design, construction and maintenance, and realize information management for the whole life cycle of construction project.


