• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on BIM Application in Renovation and Reconstruction of Lilong Buidings

  • 摘要: 里弄建筑更新改造兼顾历史风貌保护和民生改善的要求,传统设计与管理方式往往存在居民沟通协调难、效率低等困难。本文梳理了当前里弄建筑改造所面临的困难,探讨了里弄建筑BIM模型构建的总体思路与关键要点,并从里弄建筑更新改造前期设计、改造施工及运维管理三个阶段分析BIM技术的应用性,认为BIM技术引入里弄建筑更新改造具有显著的应用优势。


    Abstract: The renovation and reconstruction of Lilong building should take into account the requirements of both the protection of historical features and the improvement of people's livelihood. The traditional design and management methods often face to difficulties in communication and coordination among residents and low efficiency. This paper reviews the difficulties faced by the current reconstruction of the buildings in Lilong, and discusses the overall idea and key points of the construction of the BIM model of the buildings in Lilong. Accordingly, the applicability of BIM technology is analyzed from the three stages of the preliminary design, reconstruction construction and operation and maintenance management of the reconstruction of the buildings in Lilong, which concludes that the BIM technology possesses significant application advantages in the reconstruction of the buildings in Lilong.


