Overview of Research on CIM
摘要: CIM是智慧城市和数字孪生城市的重要模型基础,在“新基建”背景下,其重要性愈发突出。本文以国内外研究文献为基础,梳理了CIM的发展过程,总结了CIM的主要研究方向和技术实现平台,并介绍了其典型应用,为开展CIM相关研究提供了重要参考。Abstract: As the important model basis of smart city and digital twin city, CIM is becoming increasingly important in the context of "New Infrastructure Construction". Based on the domestic and foreign research literature, this study summarizes the development process of CIM, elaborates the main research directions and technical implementation platforms of CIM, and introduces its typical applications, which provides an important reference for the research of CIM.