• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Hangzhou Metro 5 Phase I Project Application of BIM Technologies

  • 摘要: 杭州地铁5号线BIM技术综合应用,是在多座城市地铁工程建设经验的基础上,针对地铁工期紧、任务重、机电管线繁多、节点复杂等特点,开展的BIM专项工程应用案例。通过BIM+CAM软件,实现了LOD400产品级建模、利用Revit+Fabrication完成机电预制构件(机电装配式)深化设计;BIM开发团队利用Revit SDK二次开发插件,实现了风管、管道的NC数控代码输出,实现了“工厂化预制、自动化生产、模块化安装”理论及方法流程的创新;利用3D打印技术(3D打印的实体模型的预装配)开展BIM装配式设计的数字化验证。提高了施工精度、质量和效率,形成了地铁工程BIM深化设计的示范性指引案例,为我公司承建更多、更复杂基础设施建设工程,积累了宝贵的经验。


    Abstract: Hangzhou Metro 5 Phase I Project Application of BIM Technologies, Based on the experience of BIM construction in many cities, combined with the characteristics of tight construction period, heavy tasks, numerous mechanical and electrical pipelines and complex decoration nodes, we carry out specific BIM planning and BIM construction application management. We use BIM+CAM software to achieve LOD 400 product-level modeling, and use Revit+Fabrication to deepen the design of electromechanical prefabricated components; using the plug-in developed by Revit SDK to output the NC code of air ducts and pipes to achieve factory prefabrication, automatic production and modular installation; and using 3D printing technology (pre-assembly of 3D printing solid model) to verify the digitalization of BIM assembly design.


