• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of BIM Technology in Construction General Contracting of Kaisa Financial Building

  • 摘要: 佳兆业金融大厦施工总承包项目设计初期采用BIM技术全过程深化设计,有效规避了设计初期容易出现的疏漏,有利于在前期利用BIM技术把控成本。采用BIM技术提升总承包管理能力,加强项目信息化沟通,应用施工管理数据平台将项目的进度、技术、物资、安全、质量等信息进行采集并集成,实现项目的可视化、精细化管理。作为局级重点工程推广项目,致力于应用BIM技术探索新型总承包管理之路,开启BIM+总承包项目管理的新型模式,为超高层建筑从传统建造转变为全过程BIM智慧建造管理目标研究作出贡献。


    Abstract: In early stage of the design, BIM technology is used for design development, which can effectively avoids those mistakes and can effectively control the budgets. BIM technology is being adopted to improve the general contract management ability and to strengthen the project information communication. Also, it uses the construction management data platform to collect and to integrate the project progress, technology, materials, safety, quality, and other information, which can achieve the visualization and lean management of the project. As a key project for promotional purposes at bureau level, it is committed to explore the new general contract management by using BIM technology, which opens a new mode of BIM+ project general contract management. The findings contribute to the super high-rise building transformation from traditional construction to intelligent BIM construction during the whole process.


