• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Code Labeling and Ichnographic Representing Method of Composite Beams

  • 摘要: 依据《装配式混凝土结构技术规程》(JGJ1-2014)和《装配式混凝土建筑技术标准》(GB/T51231-2016)提出的叠合梁构造设计原则,结合国标图集《装配式混凝土结构连接节点构造》(G310-1~ 2)分析预制梁及叠合层的构造措施,将预制梁的构造信息要素归纳为总体信息、类型信息、几何信息、主次梁节点信息、钢筋信息、预埋件信息和其他信息,探索构件及其连接通用构造规则,并通过通用说明和通用构造详图表达,实现构造标准化,在构件平面布置图上,规定梁的局部坐标系,通过编码表达预制梁,替代构件详图,参照平法制图规则表达叠合层,实现装配式混凝土叠合梁的平面整体表达。


    Abstract: According to design principles of precast concrete beams from《Technical specification for precast concrete structures》(JGJ1-2014)and《Technical standard for assembled buildings with concrete structure》(GB/T51231-2016), combining with drawing collection for National Building Standard Design《Assembled concrete structure connection node construction》(G310-1~ 2)analyzing structural measures of precast concrete beams and superimposed layers, summarizing precast concrete beams information as the general information, type information, geometry information, primary beam and secondary beam node information, reinforcement information, embedded parts information and other information, exploring general detailing rules of components and their connection, and through general descriptions and general construction details, realizing structural standardization. Specify the local coordinate system of the beam on the component floor plan, through the code to express the precast concrete beams, instead of the detailed drawing of the component, referring to drawing rules and standard detailing drawings to express the superimposed layer, to achieve the ichnographic representing of concrete composite beam.


