• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Exploration of BIM Teaching Reform in Civil Engineering Specialty Based on OBE-CDIO Concept

  • 摘要: 针对国内应用性本科高校教学改革中BIM课程体系不完善的问题,将OBE教育理念及CDIO工程教育模式引入土木工程课程教学中。以一体化BIM课程体系建设为中心,以结果为导向,构建了基于OBE-CDIO理念的BIM工程能力人才培养模型。围绕制定的BIM能力培养目标,以项目案例驱动开展基于建筑信息模型网络云平台的课程教学实践及教学评价,建立土木工程专业BIM课程教学体系。教学实践证明:OBE-CDIO理念下的BIM教学体系能有效提高毕业生BIM综合工程应用能力和创新能力,为应用型本科院校的BIM教学改革提供参考。


    Abstract: In view of the imperfect of BIM curriculum system in the teaching reform of domestic applied undergraduate colleges in China, this paper introduces OBE education concept and CDIO engineering education mode into civil engineering teaching.With the construction of integrated course system of BIM as the center and result-oriented, the talents training model for BIM engineering capacity has been constructed based on OBE-CDIO concept. Around the training objective of BIM engineering capacity, teaching practices and evaluations based on BIM platform are carried out by project cases and establishes BIM course system for civil engineering specialty.Teaching practice indicates that the BIM teaching system based on OBE-CDIO can improve the comprehensive engineering practice capability and innovation of graduates effectively, and it provides reference of the BIM teaching reform for application-oriented undergraduate colleges and universities.


