• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of BIM Integration Technology in Construction of The 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games Ping Pong Ball Sports Hall

  • 摘要: 2022年杭州亚运会乒乓球馆为杭州主城区唯一新建大型体育赛事场馆,造型新颖、形体独特,外表控制曲面由若干张自由曲面组合而成。其不规则、非线性几何形体为建筑设计、施工带来一定难度。以该馆数字化设计建造为例,介绍如何在给定控制曲面、控制曲线网格的条件下用活动标架法建立弯扭斜交网格钢结构几何建模方法;介绍在给定控制曲面上利用光滑曲面上的线性结构进行铝板幕墙的排布及龙骨设计方法。本工程屋面网架属于异形空间网架结构,网架整体上呈现空间曲网壳形式,上、下弦层控制曲面均为自由曲面;单元网格按倒立四角锥布置,网架层斜腹杆众多、空间复杂,同时布置有大量的建筑及设备专业的设备、设施。本文详细介绍了BIM集成技术在网架层设备布置及综合支托架设计施工中的应用。


    Abstract: The 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games Ping Pong Ball Sports Hall is the only new large-scale sports venue in the main urban area of Hangzhou. Featuring a novel design and unique shape, the hall′s external control surface is composed of several free-form surfaces. The irregular and non-linear geometric shape brings certain difficulties in architectural design and construction. Focusing on the digital design and construction of the sports hall, the way of establishing the geometric modeling method of the bending-torsional grid steel structure under the conditions of the given control surface and control curve grid has been firstly introduced using the moving frame. Secondly, the configuration and the keel design method of the aluminum panel curtain wall on the given control surface have been presented using the linear structure on the smooth surface. The roof space truss of this project is part of an irregular spatial truss. Specifically, the truss is presented in a spatial curved reticulated shell as a whole, and the control surfaces of upper and bottom chords are free-form surfaces. Moreover, the cell grid is arranged in an inverted quadrangular pyramid. And the gride layer has various diagonal web members and complex space. In the meanwhile, large numbers of professional equipment and facilities for buildings and devices have been arranged. In this paper, the applications of BIM integration technology in the layout of space truss equipment and the design and construction of integrated support brackets have been described in detail.


