• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of BIM Technology in Shenzhen Medical Device Testing and Biomedical Safety Evaluation Center Construction Project

  • 摘要: 深圳市医疗器械检测和生物医药安全评价中心项目将各类型实验室以及实验动物房集中设置在同一座建筑中,是目前全国药检系统中规模最大、工艺最复杂、涉及使用领域最广的专业高层实验大楼。项目施工场地狭小、机电设备管线错综复杂、专业分包多、协调难度大、施工管理困难。项目以深圳市建筑工务署各项指引、规范文件为基础,结合项目目标,建立基于BIM的管理体系,明确项目BIM实施各方的职责,规范BIM实施流程,为项目高质量建设提供有力保障,实现面向全生命周期的BIM技术在城市建设工程中的集成综合应用,为后续相似工程推进BIM技术应用管理提供示范基础。


    Abstract: The construction project of Shenzhen Medical Device Testing and Biomedical Safety Evaluation Center concentrates all kinds of laboratories and experimental animal rooms in the same building. It is the largest, most complex and most widely used high-rise experimental building in the national drug inspection system. However, the site of the construction project is narrow, and the pipelines of mechanical and electrical equipment are intricate, and there are many professional subcontractors, difficult coordination and construction management. The construction project is based on the guidelines and normative documents of Bureau Public Works Of Shenzhen Municipality and combines the objectives to establish a management system based on BIM technology, clarify the responsibilities of all parties involved in the implementation of BIM and standardize the implementation process of BIM, which provides guarantee for the high quality construction of the project, realizes the integrated and comprehensive application of BIM technology oriented to the whole life cycle in urban construction projects. It also provides a demonstration basis for the follow-up similar projects to promote the application and management of BIM technology.


