• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Exploration of the Application of BIM Technology and Digital Twin System Based on Construction of Elevated Expressway

  • 摘要: 以某城市高架快速路施工阶段BIM技术应用为例,分析此类项目特征及痛难点,提出信息模型传统应用优化提升方法。通过打造标准化BIM协同管理平台,实现项目全过程技术与管理同步复合的增质提效,为升级为多项目企业级平台提供样板。以平台应用及数字孪生理论为基础,构建了进度、造价等虚拟空间,分析了虚拟现实映射关系及其如何反馈实际工作,推动了此类项目施工规范化,提升了管理效率,实现了数字孪生技术应用,可供类似工程借鉴。


    Abstract: Based on the application of BIM technology in the construction stage of an elevated expressway in a city as an example, this paper analyzes the characteristics and difficulties of such projects and proposes an optimization and improvement method for the traditional application of information model. Through the establishment of a standardized BIM collaborative management platform, the quality enhancement and efficiency improvement of technology and management in the whole process of the project can be realized simultaneously, and provide a model for upgrading the enterprise platform for multiple projects. The virtual space such as schedule and cost is constructed based on the platform application and the theory of digital twin. The virtual reality mapping relationship and how to feed back the actual work are analyzed, which promotes the construction standardization of such projects, improves the management efficiency, and realizes the application of digital twins technology, which can be used for similar projects.


