• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Innovative BIM Application in Hope Future City Project

  • 摘要: 基于BIM在国内应用的现状,工程项目引入BIM技术有效地提高生产效率,应用BIM工作平台实现对建设工程进行全要素、全过程、全寿命周期管理将是本次应用研究的主要课题。此次将运用BIM技术解决建设项目从组织施工到后期运营时遇到的常见问题。通过Revit构建三维模型、P6编制施工组织计划并结合Fuzor进行四维施工模拟,以此作为施工进度控制依据、利用Navisworks软件进行碰撞检测并根据碰撞报告对机电部分进行深化管理,综合调整管道碰撞问题;采用GCB进行施工场地布置及管理;应用Pathfinder疏散压力测试与Pyrosim建筑安全管理;通过Pathfinder电梯运行方案优化研究与Ecotect Analysis空调及热水器使用方案优化研究等BIM技术应用来优化建筑性能,实现生产效率的提高。


    Abstract: The current situation of BIM application in China is that many engineering projects apply the BIM technology to effectively improve production efficiency. This application research mainly studies the application of BIM platform to realize the construction management for whole element, whole process and whole life cycle. The BIM technology will be used to solve the common problems encountered in construction projects, from the early construction organization to the operation in later stage. Revit is applied to create the 3D model. Then, P6 is used to prepare construction organization plan and to create 4D construction simulation with the help of Fuzor, which is the basis for construction schedule control.Navisworks is applied for collision detection, and the further in-depth management on MEP system is conducted according to the collision reports, which overall solves the collision problems in MEP system. Other BIM-based technologies are also applied to optimize building performance improve production efficiency, including using GCB for construction site layout and management, using Pathfinder for evacuation pressure test, using Pyrosim for construction safety management, using Pathfinder for elevator operation scheme optimization research, and using Ecotect Analysis for air conditioning and water heater use scheme optimization research.


