• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Geometric Theory and Method in the Parametric Design of Digital Building

  • 摘要: 数字建筑一般指采用数字信息技术进行设计、建造及运维的建筑。复杂形体建筑参数化设计须建立完备的几何控制系统。几何学是参数化设计中重要的基础理论,采用流形几何语言和方法可以便捷地表达与分析弯曲的三维几何形体。曲面上曲线的“平行”、“等距”概念为我们对几何形体进行参数化设计提供了几何直观与逻辑基础。重点介绍曲面间外在等距概念和曲面上曲线间的测地等距、Levi-Civita平行等内蕴几何概念,阐述了参数化设计中的几何理论和方法。对2022年杭州亚运会乒乓球比赛场馆及场馆非线性外围护系统、屋盖系统在参数化设计中采用的几何方法进行了介绍。


    Abstract: Digital architecture refers to buildings that use digital information technology for design, construction, operation and maintenance. The parametric design of complex buildings must establish a complete geometric control system. Geometry is an important basic theory in parametric design. The language and methods of manifold geometry can be used to express and analyze curved three-dimensional geometric shapes conveniently. The concepts of"parallel"and"equidistant"of the curves on the curved surface provide us with a geometric intuitive and logical basis for the parametric design of geometric shapes. It focuses on the external equidistance between surfaces and the geodesic equidistance between curves on the surface, Levi-Civita parallel(intrinsic geometry)concepts, and expounds the geometric theory and methods in parametric design. The geometric methods used in the parametric design of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games table tennis competition venues and venue non-linear enclosure systems and roof systems are introduced.


