• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Fluid-Structure Coupling Analysis of Vibration Absorber Bracket for Concrete Pumping Pipe

  • 摘要: 本文基于Workbench软件建立了泵送混凝土模型,运用流固耦合技术进行了混凝土泵送管道和支架的整体有限元数值仿真模拟,并对泵送过程中不同减振支架刚度下的支架底座进行了静力和动力特性研究。仿真结果证明,本文方法能够对管道支架的受力情况进行更为精准的数值模拟。计算结果表明,改进支架减振装置,可以达到缓解混凝土泵送系统工作过程中产生的振动和减小对主体结构的不良影响的最佳综合效果。本文研究结果在六安高台小区安置房项目等工程上得到了成功应用。


    Abstract: In this paper, a pumping concrete model was established based on Workbench software. The finite element numerical simulation of the concrete pumping pipe and bracket was carried out by fluid-structure coupling technology. The static and dynamic characteristics of the bracket base under different stiffness during the pumping process were studied. The simulation results show that the method presented in this paper can carry out a more accurate numerical simulation of the force of the pipe bracket. The calculation results show that the best comprehensive effect can be achieved by improving the vibration absorber bracket to alleviate the vibration of the concrete pumping system and reduce the negative influence on the main structure. The research results of this paper have been successfully applied in Lu′an Gaotai community resettlement housing project and other projects.


