• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on New BIM-Based Management Pattern of Urban Rail Transit

  • 摘要: 国内城市轨道交通业主单位在引入BIM技术加快自身信息化发展建设时,往往面临着如何引入这项新技术、引入后怎么加强管理、缺乏BIM人才等各种问题,容易造成立项决策难、招投标耗时长、过程管理低效等实施困境。本文通过BIM技术的发展特点及国内发展的研究,整理分析既有的BIM总体管理前期研究成果,提出“业主主导、BIM总体单位管理、各参与方实施”的新型管理模式,此模式可帮助业主单位快速借鉴先进的BIM经验,依托BIM总体管理单位培养自身BIM技术能力的同时,保障当前工程建设过程中BIM技术的有效运用,并在组织架构、招标策略、绩效考核等方面给出一定的参考建议。案例分析表明,此种模式可帮助业主单位快速取得企业级BIM标准体系、BIM管理平台并全面开展BIM应用等成果。


    Abstract: When BIM technology drives the informatization progress in Chinese rail transit industry, the clients often face challenges, such as BIM adoption solutions, BIM management efficiency, BIM personnel, etc. These challenges bring problems as policy difficult-making, biding postponing or delaying, progress management inefficiency, etc. In this paper, the author studies and analyzes the existing research on this topic, raises a new informatization pattern as "Client leading+BIM general manager directing+contractors′ execution". This new pattern can support construction informatization in organization rebuild, biding policy, achievement assessment. The case study indicates that this pattern help client to achieved BIM objectives in Enterprise Codes, BIM platform development and full-scale BIM application in a short time.


