• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Coding Technology of Building Space Sign Location

  • 摘要: 规划、建设、管理建构筑物过程产生的数据种类繁多、规模较大,亟需一种具有唯一性、参考系一致性、高效性的编码。北斗网格位置编码规定其网格选择和编码规则,以及空间位置信息标识、传输及大数据处理,在建构筑物空间标识位置编码领域能有良好的扩展性。基于北斗网格位置码的编码规则,本文提出了建构筑物空间标识位置编码技术,对建构筑物进行编码,该编码具有唯一性、一致性、高效性,对编码规则的应用进行了介绍,包括编码的生成和编码的索引,以及对应的查询算法,并通过工程实验进行验证。


    Abstract: The data generated in the process of planning, construction and management of buildings and structures are various and large-scale, so a unique, consistent and efficient coding is urgently needed. Beidou grid location coding stipulates its grid selection and coding rules, as well as the identification, transmission and big data processing of spatial location information, which has good scalability in the field of building spatial identification location coding. Based on the coding rules of Beidou grid location code, this paper puts forward the coding technology of building space identification location, and codes the building. The coding is unique, consistent and efficient. The application of coding rules is introduced, including the generation of coding, the index of coding, and the corresponding query algorithm, which is verified by engineering experiments.


