• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of BIM Technology in High-Rise Base Composite Isolation Structure

  • 摘要: 被誉为建筑业第二次变革的BIM技术在全球各国掀起了一股研究与应用的热潮,在我国结构设计方面的应用也越来越广。减隔震结构相比一般的抗震结构略有不同,本文以高烈度区某高层RC剪力墙基础组合隔震结构为例,应用BIM技术采用Revit软件搭建整体结构模型。首先创建各部分结构模型,通过软件参数化创建减隔震装置的族;接着通过明细表统计选用的减隔震装置的力学参数,随后通过爆炸分析图来可视化诠释减隔震结构的组成及关系;最后通过Revit、Robot和Yjk三种软件双向链接尝试模型信息共享,探索BIM技术在高层减隔震结构中的应用。


    Abstract: BIM technology, known as the second revolution in the construction industry, has created a wave of research and application all over the world, and its application in structural design in China has become more and more extensive. The seismic reduction and isolation structure are slightly different from the conventional seismic structure. This article takes a high-rise RC shear wall foundation combined seismic isolation structure in a high-intensity area as an example, uses BIM technology to build an overall structural model using Revit software. Firstly, creating a structural model of each part and a family of seismic isolation devices through software parameterization; then using a detailed list to calculate the mechanical parameters of the selected seismic isolation devices, and then using the explosion analysis diagram to visualize the composition and relationship of the seismic isolation structure. Finally, through the two-way link of Revit and Robot and YJK three softwares to try to share model information and explore the application of BIM technology in high-rise seismic isolation structures.


