• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Development of BIM Model Software for Traffic Signs on Bentley Platform

  • 摘要: 交通标志对公路BIM十分重要,为了快速构建交通标志BIM模型,文中研究我国交通标志相关规范和标志设计的特点和规律,分析标志版面布局构成要素,提出交通标志“通用词”概念,采用二次开发技术,在Bentley平台中开发交通标志BIM模型辅助软件。该软件简化标志模板设计,快速构建标志库,应用“通用词表”辅助建立标志布设模式,灵活高效地布设交通标志BIM模型。文中论述了交通标志BIM模型辅助软件的研究过程和实现方法,并演示软件功能,结果显示该软件有效地实现了交通标志的快速建模。


    Abstract: Traffic signs model are very important for road BIM. In order to quickly build the BIM model of traffic signs, this paper studies the characteristics and rules of traffic sign design based on national regulation, analyzes the components of traffic sign layouts, and proposes the concept of "general word" for traffic signs. Applying the secondary development technology, the auxiliary software of BIM model for traffic signs is developed in Bentley platform. The software simplifies the traffic sign layout design, rapidly constructs the traffic sign library, applies the "general word list" to assist the establishment of the traffic sign layout mode, flexibly and efficiently establish traffic signs BIM model. This paper discusses the research process and implementation method of the software for traffic signs BIM model, and demonstrates the software functions. The results show that the software provides technical support for the rapid modeling of traffic signs.


