• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Optimizing the Building Design Based on BIM——A Case Study for the Integrated Laboratory Building

  • 摘要: 设计阶段是建筑项目投资和工程质量控制的关键。传统的二维建筑设计中,建筑物的设计成果表现方式主要由平面图、立面图、剖面图、大样图四种基本图纸组合而成,在效果呈现和规避设计碰撞存在先天不足。建筑信息模型(BIM)技术使得三维环境下的协同设计、集成分析成为可能,并且通过三维模型渲染提供了更加直观的实时可交互效果图,从而提高设计质量与沟通效率。本文以西南政法大学综合实验楼项目为例,介绍在设计阶段中利用BIM技术(Revit、Ecotect软件与协同平台等)进行日照分析、冲突分析、合规性检查、多专业协同深化等实践经验,从而积极探究BIM技术在设计阶段深入应用价值。


    Abstract: Design stage is the key of controlling the cost and quality of construction projects. In the traditional two-dimensional building design, buildings are expressed mainly by four basic drawings: plan view, elevation view, section view and large sample drawing, which inherently lacks the capability of presenting the design effect and avoiding the collision of different building elements of different disciplines. Building information modeling (BIM)technologies enables collaborative design and integrated analysis in a 3D environment, and provides more intuitive real-time interactive renderings through 3D model rendering, which will improve design quality and communication efficiency. Taking the project of the comprehensive experimental building of Southwest University of Political Science and Law as a case study, this paper introduces the practical experiences of BIM application in design stage, including sunlight analysis, conflict analysis, compliance check, multi-disciplinary collaborative deepening to actively explore the in-depth application value of BIM technology in the design stage.


