• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司

Dynamo for Revit在施工图设计中的应用——门窗表、门窗详图

The Application of Dynamo for Revit in Construction Drawing Design——Doors and Windows Table, Details of Doors and Windows

  • 摘要: 在BIM施工图设计过程中,Revit作为主要软件,可以快速完成门窗数量的统计,但是在施工图出图过程中,目前普遍采用的方法并不能满足国内的制图标准,而人工处理效率低,违背了BIM的初衷。本文基于Dynamo for Revit参数化编程软件,通过图形编程,实现自动收集门窗并快速布置图纸,可辅助制作出满足国内制图标准的门窗表和门窗详图。与传统手动建模及出图方法相比,本文所采用的方法能够保证门窗表和门窗详图的准确性,大大提高了制图效率,同时可将这种方法推广到类似的应用中。


    Abstract: In the process of BIM construction drawing design, Revit, as the main software, can quickly complete the statistics of the number of doors and windows. However, in the process of construction drawing production, the currently commonly adopted methods can not meet the domestic drawing standards, and the low manual processing efficiency will violate the original intention of BIM. Based on Dynamo for Revit parametric programming software, this paper realizes the automatic collection of doors and windows and the rapid layout of drawings through graphic programming, which can assist the production of doors and windows tables and detailed drawings that meet the domestic drawing standards.Compared with the traditional manual modeling and drawing method, the method adopted in this paper can guarantee the accuracy of the table and detail drawing of doors and windows, and greatly improve the drawing efficiency. Meanwhile, this method can be extended to similar applications.


