• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


BIM Technology Integrated Application of China-Aid Morodok Techo National Stadium Project of Cambodia

  • 摘要: 本文以中国政府援建史上技术最复杂的柬埔寨体育场项目为案例,结合VR、AR、HoloLens MR、三维激光扫描、3D打印等先进BIM技术,以BIM管理为主线,通过对索塔、预制看台、环梁环柱、罩棚等各专项施工难题展开的系统性BIM应用,为超大异形混凝土结构施工、装配式施工、柔性结构施工、变形控制施工提供依据,总结出一整套海外BIM施工技术,用BIM技术助力海外工程智慧建造,打造援外工程BIM应用标杆,弥补东南亚区域系统性BIM应用的空白。


    Abstract: This article takes China-Aid Morodok Techo National Stadium project of Cambodia, which is the most complicated stadium in terms of technology in the history of Chinese government foreign aid construction, combining VR, AR, HoloLens MR, 3D laser scanning, 3D printing and other advanced BIM technologies.With BIM management as the main line, through systematic BIM application of cable tower, prefabricated concrete seating, ring beams and ring columns, awning, etc., providing a basis for super-large special shaped concrete structure construction, prefabricated construction, flexible structure construction, and deformation control construction, and summarizing a set of overseas BIM construction technologies. BIM technology is used to help the smart construction of overseas projects, build a BIM application benchmark for foreign aid projects, and fill in the gap in systematic BIM applications in Southeast Asia.


