• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on BIM Modeling and Integration Method of Municipal Road Based on Eroad&Infraworks

  • 摘要: BIM技术近年在市政道路工程的应用日趋广泛,其在市政道路工程设计阶段应用的价值越来越举足轻重,但BIM技术在市政道路工程设计前期阶段的多专业建模与多专业集成应用仍然存在很多的问题。为解决现阶段在市政道路设计前期中,路桥隧道多专业建模整体进度慢,多专业集成难度大,总体方案可视化表达效果不佳等问题,作者通过众多项目的实战经验,探索出多条具备可实操性的市政道路设计前期阶段BIM应用技术路线,本文以鸿业路易为主要建模软件+Infraworks为最终集成软件的技术路线为例,详细介绍市政道路工程设计前期BIM实施全流程。


    Abstract: In recent years, BIM technology has been widely used in municipal road engineering, its application value in design phase is more and more important. However, there are still many problems in multi-discipline modeling and multi-discipline inheritance application of BIM technology in the early design stage. In order to solve the problems such as the slow overall progress of multi-disciplinary modeling, the difficulty of multi-disciplinary integration, and the poor visual expression effect of the overall scheme in the early phase of municipal road design, the author explores a number of practical application technology routes of BIM in the early phase of municipal road design through the practical experience of many projects. Taking Hongye Eroad as the main modeling software and Infraworks as a technical route of final integration software, the whole process of BIM implementation in the early phase of municipal road engineering design will be introduced in detail.


