• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Whole Process of BIM Application in Engineering Procurement Construction of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau Third-Generation Command Center

  • 摘要: 在新一代信息技术驱动下,系统化集成设计、工厂化生产、建筑信息模型(BIM)技术、物联网与智能制造技术等手段正在推进新型建筑工业化发展。本文以深圳市公安局第三代指挥中心项目为例,探索在EPC工程总承包+全过程咨询模式下BIM全过程应用,力求打破设计与施工两套模型的问题,探索如何应用信息化手段解决生产流程和建设项目组织之间的矛盾,让信息化手段真正创效。设计阶段BIM正向设计,先建模后出图,提高模型与图纸质量,实现设计零变更;通过招采前置,实现设计施工一体化,缩短深化周期;建设“智慧工地”系统,预防安全事故,降低施工风险。最终,得出结论,EPC模式下BIM正向设计与专业分包深化前置结合是设计施工一体化的有效途径,为新型建筑工业化提供了宝贵经验。


    Abstract: Driven by the new generation of information technology, systems such as integrated design, standardized manufacture, building information modelling (BIM), internet of things (IoT) and intelligent manufacture techniques are promoting the industrialization of new buildings. This paper takes the third generation command center of Shenzhen municipal public security bureau as an example, explores the whole process BIM application of EPC project under the contract+whole process consulting mode, and strives to break the problem of two sets of models of design and construction stages and find the method to solve the problem between the production process and the organization of construction project by using information technologies which will make the informatization methods create efficiency. Using BIM forward design can improve the quality of models and drawings and realize 0 design changes in design stage. Through recruitment and procurement in the early stage can realize the integration of design and construction, reduce the construction period. And building the intelligent site system can prevent safety accidents and reduce the construction risk. Finally, the paper concludes that the combination of BIM forward design and professional subcontracting under the EPC mode is an effectivee method to realize the integration of design and construction, which will provide the valuable experience for the industrialization of new buildings.


