• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司

基于BIM & PtD的斜拉桥施工安全风险检查

Construction Safety Risk Inspection of Cable-Stayed Bridge Based on BIM & PtD

  • 摘要: 针对斜拉桥施工安全,提出一种基于BIM(Building Information Modeling)和PtD(Prevention through Design)的施工风险控制方法。在Access平台下建立斜拉桥施工安全风险知识库(PtD知识库),确定相关风险因素、预控措施及其对应ID编码。基于BIM模型,对Revit进行二次开发,创建具有Ribbon菜单和WPF界面的“斜拉桥施工安全风险检查工具(BCSRI)”模块,实现了设计阶段斜拉桥施工安全风险因素及其ID的自动检查。以斜拉桥索塔施工安全风险检查为例,验证该方法的可行性。


    Abstract: Focusing on the safety construction of Cable-Stayed bridge, BIM-based(Building Information Modeling-based)and PtD-based(Prevention Through Design-based)methods are being proposed for ensuring the risk control of the construction. The knowledge database for the safety construction(PtD Knowledge Database)of cable-stayed bridge is being established under Access Platform for the determination of those relevant risk factors, pre-control measures, and relevant ID codes. Based on BIM models, Autodesk Revit is being further developed for the establishment of"Cable-Stayed Bridge Construction Safety Risk Inspection Tool(BCSRI)"module with the inclusion of Ribbon menu and WPF interface, which is achieving the automation of Cable-Stayed bridge construction safety risk factors and their IDs inspections during the design stage. The feasibility of the proposed method is being verified by taking the example of safety risks inspections along the Cable-Stayed bridge construction.


