• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Visualized Facility Management System Based on BIM

  • 摘要: 建筑设施设备的运维管理是建筑全生命周期中的重要阶段,传统的运维管理方式较为单一,存在数字化水平低,可视化程度低等问题,导致设备维护不精准、运维工作效率低,很难满足运维人员的管理需要。本文介绍了基于BIM的建筑设备可视化运维管理系统,详细阐述了系统构建的关键技术,并从设备信息管理、设备运行管理、空间管理、维修管理、能耗管理等方面介绍了该系统的运作流程和功能特点。该系统依托BIM三维可视化模型,以Web端和移动端作为载体,融合了BIM技术、互联网技术和物联网技术,可作为实际运维工作系统开发的理论参考。文末以某机场专机楼实际应用情况为例,分析了该系统的突出应用价值,同时也发现想要深入挖掘运维平台的应用价值,需要多方提前规划投入和高度配合,即便技术条件允许,在成本受控的情况下,运维平台也难以将其价值完整发挥。


    Abstract: Facility management is important along the lifecycle of the buildings. Under the traditional scheme of building management, limitations in digitalization and visualization will cause many problems such as poor targeting accuracies and low operation efficiencies during the maintenances, which can hardly satisfy the requirements from facility management team. This paper has elaborated the BIM-based visualized facility management system, has discussed the key technologies in system architecture, and has introduced process and characteristics of this system from the aspects of information management, operation management, spatial management, maintenance management, energy management, and etc. Based on BIM model, through the integration of Internet of Things(IoT), this system is running on Web and Mobile terminal, which can provide a theorical reference for developing facility management system in the future. This paper is focusing on the use case of a VIP terminal of an airport, has analyzed the value of the proposed system in real scenario. Moreover, this paper has found that the value of the system is much relying on the collaboration of project participants despite the existence of sophisticated technologies.


