• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Reform of BIM Teaching in Civil Engineering Major Based on OBE Concept

  • 摘要: 随着工程信息化的快速发展,国内建筑行业对BIM技术在建筑行业的需求逐渐增加,而精通BIM技术的人才却供不应求。高校作为向社会输送人才的重要机构,如何培养出掌握BIM技术的专业人才显得尤为重要。本文根据国内高校利用BIM技术教学的实际状况,分析了目前高校BIM课程教学所面临的问题,在OBE理念的指引下,提出了高校土木工程专业基于BIM技术的课程建设、授课模式、毕业设计等各阶段的改革措施。


    Abstract: With the rapid growth of information technologies in AEC industries, the demand of BIM implementation in domestic AEC market is increasing all the time. However, the big issue is, there is not enough well-trained BIM personnel to fill the gap. Universities and colleges are being responsible for BIM training and education for satisfying the job market. Based on current situation of BIM training and education in domestic institutes, this paper has analyzed the issues in current BIM curriculum. As a result, this paper has proposed a solution to reform the structure of BIM curriculum in Civil Engineering major regarding to coursework, teaching mode, and final project under the scheme of OBE concept.


