• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on UAV Track Planning for Real Scene Modeling of Earthwork

  • 摘要: 工程实景测绘不仅能辅助工程师发现工程进度、质量问题,更能结合其他信息处理技术,为进一步工程分析提供数据基础。相较于传统工程测绘技术,无人机低空摄影技术具有操作简便、经济性好、机动性强等优点。将无人机摄影技术引入土方工程,对其航迹规划问题展开讨论,旨在实现场地三维实景建模。对场地进行分区,将航迹规划问题简化为不规则场地下的全覆盖路径规划问题,且无需考虑避障规划。在方法层面上,将A*算法与BINN算法结合,改进了BINN算法中可能出现的“死区”,并通过设置约束规则,解决了算法初期路径随机游走的问题。最终,以某项目土方工程的实景建模工作为案例,利用以上算法完成无人机航迹规划,证明了该算法的可行性。


    Abstract: Engineering mapping can not only assist engineers to find scheduling and quality problems, but also provide data basis to conduct further engineering analysis. Compared with traditional engineering surveying and mapping technology, UAV low altitude photogrammetry technology has the advantages of simple operation, good economy, and strong mobility. Accordingly, in this paper, UAV photography technology is being introduced into civil engineering, and the issue of its route planning is being discussed to achieve the three-dimensional real scene modeling of the site. In terms of the modelling problems, this paper divides the original site into proper zones and simplifies the route planning problem to a full coverage path planning problem under the irregular field, where obstacle avoidance planning does not need to be considered. Methodologically, the combination of A*Algorithm and BINN algorithm have solved the problem of "dead zone" in BINN algorithm, and the setting of constraint rules has solved the problem of random walk in the initial stage of the algorithm.Finally, by taking an actual earthwork project as an example, the feasibility of the improved algorithm is being proved.


