• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Construction of Cloud Platform for Security Intelligent Management and Control of Highway Engineering Construction Based on Big Data

  • 摘要: 新一代信息技术推动公路工程建设持续发展,管理理论创新、管理机制改革以及新技术应用使得工程安全生产事故的发生得到有效控制,但由于工程向更复杂结构、更大体量的方向发展,在工程建设过程中的安全风险管控依然至关重要。本文结合国家“十三五”期间全国公路工程建设安全管理现状,分析了公路工程建设安全管理信息化、安全智能管控云平台建设的必要性,提出了通过建设公路工程安全管控云平台数据库;深度融合了大数据理论、物联网理论、人工智能理论等,构建了基于大数据的公路工程安全智能管控云平台,以提高公路工程安全管控信息化水平;借助先进的信息技术总体管控公路工程建设安全,降低工程现场安全风险和事故发生率,支撑交通强国和数字交通建设决策。


    Abstract: The new generation of information technology promotes the sustainable development of highway engineering construction. The innovation of management theory, the reform of management mechanism and the application of new technology make the engineering safety production accidents being effectively controlled. However, due to the development of the project to a more complex environment and a larger volume, it is still crucial of the safety risk control in the construction process. Combined with the national highway engineering construction safety management status during the 13th Five-Year Plan, analysis of highway engineering construction safety management informationization, intelligent security control the necessity of cloud platform construction, through the construction of highway engineering safety risk management and control database, deep integration of Big Data Theory, Internet of Things theory and Artificial Intelligence theory, build a cloud platform for intelligent safety control of highway engineering construction based on big data, in order to improve the information level of controlling highway engineering safety, with the help of advanced information technology to manage and control highway construction safety, reduce safety risk and accident rate, support the development of a strong transportation country and digital transportation.


