• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Realization and Engineering Application of Parametric Modeling Technology for Metro Line Trackside Equipment

  • 摘要: 随着地铁行业的日益发展,地铁轨旁设备的管理要求也日益提升。BIM技术以其信息化、智能化的特点,可广泛应用于项目的全生命周期管理中。然而,在建模时,常用的建模软件Revit在批量创建模型和输入参数信息时有着很大的局限性。利用Dynamo技术获取地铁线路中的设备位置点信息,并根据位置信息实现设备的自动放置,建立工程信息与设备的对应关系,实现批量填写参数信息。研究结果表明:在建模时,繁琐且机械性的工作通过可视化编程语言来自动完成,可以大大提高建模的精细程度和效率,为实现地铁线路轨旁设备的全生命周期管理奠定基础。


    Abstract: With the growing of subways, the requirements for managing subway trackside equipment are also increasing. BIM Technology with its information, intelligent characteristics, can be widely used in the project life cycle management. However, when modeling, the commonly used modeling software, Revit, has great limitations in batch creating models and inputting parameter information. Dynamo technology is used to obtain the location information of the equipment in the subway line, and the automatic placement of the equipment is realized according to the location information. Then the corresponding relationship between the engineering information and the equipment is established, and the parameter information is filled in batch. The research results show that: during modeling, the tedious and mechanical work is automatically completed by visual programming language, which can greatly improve the precision and efficiency of modeling, and lay the foundation for the realization of the whole life cycle management of Metro Line trackside equipment.


