• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research of Highway Bridge Standard Component Family Library Based on Revit Software

  • 摘要: 为了推动桥梁信息化建设的发展,提升桥梁BIM模型的创建效率,本文通过研究公路常规桥梁构件结构形式、结构变化规律及建设管理阶段的信息需求,提出了桥梁构件的参数化创建方法、信息深度及其命名标准,并依托Revit软件及数据库技术,建立桥梁标准构件库及其管理程序。研究表明,基于本文创建的桥梁标准构件库可快速实现公路常规桥梁BIM模型的创建,构建BIM模型能够满足工程建设管理需求,显著提升了桥梁信息化建设效率。


    Abstract: In order to promote the development of bridge information construction and improve the efficiency of the creation of bridge BIM models, this paper proposes the parameterization method, information depth and naming standards of highway bridge components by studying the structure form, structure change law and information requirements during the construction management stage of conventional bridge components. Relying on Revit software and database technology, a bridge standard component library and its management system were being established. Research shows that the bridge standard component library based on this article can quickly achieve the creation of highway bridge BIM models. The component BIM models can satisfy the demands of engineering construction management and can significantly improve the efficiency of bridge informatization construction.


