• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Modular Course System of Engineering Geology from the Perspective of Key Vocational Competence

  • 摘要: 为进一步加强学生工程应用能力,提高应用型人才培养质量,基于“七字诀”模块化知识体系(“识”、“测”、“设”、“施”、“管”、“检”、“协”),运用“线上+线下”方式对工程地质课程内容进行了模块化设计,提出了“类型”、“构造”、“地貌”、“水文”、“不良”、“勘察”模块化知识体系,构建了工程地质学课程霍尔三维模型,从知识维度进行了模块化设计,从逻辑维度进行了改革与实践,从时间维度推进与实施, 强化了应用型人才关键职业能力,提高了培养质量。


    Abstract: In order to strengthen engineering application ability for application-oriented undergraduate students and to improve the quality and personnel training, the engineering geology course content was modified in a modular way based on knowledge system (Type, Structure, Landforms, Hydrogeology, Bad, Investigate) through online and offline way under seven-words modular knowledge system for civil engineering specialty (Identify, Measurement, Design, Construction, Management, Detection, Assistant). And then a hall-3D model of engineering geology course was established, the teacher can modularly design from knowledge dimension, reform course contents and practice from logical dimension, promote and implement from time dimension. It was found that the educational reform has strengthened the core capabilities, and has improved the quality of training.


