• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Influencing Factors of BIM Technology Adoption Behavior Based on ISM-MICMAC

  • 摘要: 为推动BIM技术在建筑业的可持续发展,探究建筑企业BIM技术采纳行为的影响因素及其作用机理。从技术、组织、经济、认知和环境五个方面识别驱动建筑企业采纳BIM技术的影响因素,基于问卷调查采集样本数据,通过相关性分析和因子分析提取了17个主要影响因素。构建解释结构模型(ISM),明确了影响因素之间的递阶关系;运用交叉影响矩阵相乘法(MICMAC)分析影响因素的依赖性和驱动力,揭示了影响因素的内在关联及其作用机理,并为推动建筑企业采纳BIM技术提出针对性建议。研究结果表明:争议处理机制是影响BIM技术采纳行为的关键性因素,工作模式重组成本、思维和工作方式转变意愿、感知易用性和组织资源就绪程度是影响BIM技术采纳行为的直接因素。


    Abstract: In order to promote the sustainable development of BIM technology in the construction industry, the influencing factors and its mechanism of BIM technology adoption behavior of construction companies are explored. The influencing factors that drive construction companies to adopt BIM technology were identified from five aspects of technology, organization, economy, cognition and environment. Sample data based on questionnaire surveys was collected and 17 main influencing factors were extracted through correlation analysis and factor analysis. An ISM model was constructed, the hierarchical relationship between the influencing factors were clarified. MICMAC method is used to analyze the dependence and driving force of the influencing factors and the internal correlation and its mechanism of the influencing factors were revealed. Furtherly, the targeted suggestions for promoting construction companies to adopt BIM technology are provided. The research results show that the dispute resolution mechanism is a key factor that affects the adoption behavior of BIM technology, and the cost of restructuring work model, the willingness to change thinking and working methods, the perceived ease of use, and the degree of organizational resource readiness are the direct factors that affect the adoption behavior of BIM technology.


