• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of Parameterized Pile Element in BIM Modeling of Foundation Pit Support Engineering

  • 摘要: 随着中国开启“十四五”规划新征程,建筑工程行业也将贯彻落实创新驱动发展的伟大政策。城市超高层建筑的发展推动了对地下空间的开发与利用,基坑开挖范围随之增大、基坑开挖深度也随之增加。为了保证施工期间基坑内主体结构的安全并最小化对基坑周边环境的影响与扰动,使得“桩+内支撑”的支护方式得以广泛应用。当支护方案采用如大型环向内支撑、钻孔灌注桩以及三轴搅拌桩等在内的多型支护构件时,使得传统CAD制图在表达设计意图方面存在较大困难。通过Revit创建的参数化构件创建基坑支护结构BIM三维模型,不仅能全方位且可视化地表达方案设计阶段的设计意图,而且还能在后续深化设计阶段快速修改构件参数,从而实现模型、工程量及图纸的联动修改,设计工作也因此获得提质增效。


    Abstract: As China start the new journey of 14th Five-Years-Plan, AEC industries also need to act in an innovative way. The growing of super high-rise buildings in cities promotes the development of underground spaces, which results in expansion and deepening of excavation of foundation pit. For keeping the safety during the construction and to minimize the risks, it adopts the method of "pile + internal support" as a way of retaining and protection of foundation excavation. It is quite difficult to use CAD to deliver the project design because there consists multiple complex structure. Through adopting Revit to create parametric 3D components, it cannot only comprehensively visualize project design, but can also quickly make the modification in modelling, quantification, and construction documents. As a results, the quality and the efficiencies of design can be increased.


