• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application and Analysis of BIM-Based Simulation of Pile Length in Quantity

  • 摘要: 桩基工程中,端承桩的桩长取决于持力层的深度。为了能够更准确地开展物料备料、计划排期等工作,对该深度的获取成为桩基工程中的一大重点。在传统工程中,一般利用地勘柱状图结合平面图通过繁杂的人力计算进行估算。随着BIM技术的发展,近年来涌现出了大量的基于BIM技术的预判方式。在此背景下,本文进一步改进并提出一种能够实现桩长批量预判的方法。相比已有的方法,主要优势在于更加高效且节省人工作业,准确性也在实践中得到验证。


    Abstract: In pile foundation engineering, the length of end bearing pile is determined by the depth of bearing layer. In order to make the work of material preparation and program scheduling, etc., more accurately, the acquisition of this depth has become a major focus in pile foundation projects.. In traditional way, geological prospecting column chart combined with planar graph is generally used to estimate through complicated manpower calculation. With the development of BIM technology, a large number of BIM based prediction methods have emerged in recent years. In this context, this paper proposes a method about predicting the pile length in quantity. Compared with the existing methods, it is more efficient and needs less manual operation, and its accuracy has been verified in practice.


