• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Modeling Method of Precise Placement of Family Components Based on Dynamo

  • 摘要: 针对路桥BIM建模过程中沿线离散放置“族”的传统方法存在自动化水平低、生产成本高、族构件定位精度低、放置偏差大等问题,本文依托Dynamo可视化编程平台提出了一种由数据驱动族构件精确定位放置的新型BIM智能建模方法。通过自适应嵌套族旋转放置程序设计,对预放置族进行参数数据处理与局部坐标系修正,实现自适应常规模型嵌套族的精准定位放置。以某桥梁项目中路灯及护栏的自适应嵌套族构建与放置为例进行验证,实验结果表明:本文所提智能建模方法相对于手工建模方法,能够有效避免人工放置误差,提高放置精度;本建模方法所用程序相对于传统奇偶列分类建模程序的平均运行时间减少约60%。这一改进可以推进BIM自动化建模过程中精确放置“族”技术的广泛应用,加快路桥等线性工程领域的BIM建设进程。


    Abstract: The common method discrete placement of "families" along road and bridge in the process of BIM modeling always leads to the low automation level, high production cost, less positioning accuracy and large positioning deviation of family members. This paper proposes a new BIM intelligent modeling method on the basis of the Dynamo visual programming platform for accurate positioning and placement of family members driven by data. In order to realize the precise positioning and placement of the nested family of the adaptive conventional model, the paper carries out the parameter data processing and local coordinate system modification by functioning the rotating placement program of the adaptive nested family. Taking the construction and placement of adaptive nested family of street lamps and guardrail in a bridge project as an example, its results prove that the automatic placement modeling method established in this paper can effectively avoid manual placement errors and improve placement accuracy compared with the manual modeling method. The average running time of the program under the automatic placement modeling method is reduced by about 60% in contrast with the traditional parity column classification modeling process, which can promote the wide application of accurate placement of family in the process of BIM automatic modeling, and accelerate the BIM construction in linear engineering fields, e.g., road and bridge.


