• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


An Application of GIS+BIM Technology in Urban Village Using Gustav Purt Fire Assessment of Fire Risk Warning Management

  • 摘要: 城中村传统的基于古斯塔夫危险度法(Gustav法)的火灾风险预警评估无法快速集成必要的信息且难以满足范围的直观呈现,而GIS技术并不能够很好应用在城中村这一类复杂建筑。针对这一不足,本研究从风险预警管理方法的角度,分析了GIS+BIM技术在城中村Gustav法火灾风险预警管理的可行性,并通过案例验证。案例研究发现建筑物群的两个泄压口,对城中村火灾风险预警管理起到了积极作用。与传统方法相比,GIS+BIM技术运用于城中村Gustav法火灾风险预警管理中具有更加科学可靠、减低成本等突出优势。


    Abstract: The application of traditional Gustav Purt fire assessment in urban village does not integrate the necessary information quickly and fails to represent the scope of visualization, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is also not well suited for complex buildings, e.g., urban village. To remedy these deficiencies above, this paper analyzes the feasibility of GIS+BIM technology for fire risk early warning management in urban village and verifies it by case studies from the perspective of risk early warning management method. The case study finds two pressure relief of the building complex, which played a positive role in the fire risk early warning management in the urban village. Compared with the traditional method, GIS+BIM technology is more scientific and reliable, which achieves cost reduction when applied to the Gustav Purt fire assessment in urban villages.


