• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research and Application of Enterprise Engineering Big Data Service Platform

  • 摘要: 针对体育场馆、机场航站楼、会展、医疗、超高层、基础设施等建筑类型,以机器学习、面向对象的二次开发技术为关键技术支点,从现代工程管控的重点、难点出发,对《工程大数据服务平台》进行系统研究,深入汇总分析工程数据信息,构建基于建造、设计、采购、施工、运维的多种综合指标,实现数据可视化、数据挖掘、预测分析等功能,能够全面辅助提升各级管理人员在工程总承包管控中的工作方式,从微观的角度夯实工程总承包管控的“智慧化”技术基础。通过整合重大项目的设计、分包、产品采购供应链资源、施工组织、重难点工程的技术方案、新技术资源以及运维阶段的数据资源,有助于充分发挥企业的规模优势,实现各类工程建造资源的整合和共享,使各类工程建造资源更好地服务于工程总承包管理,助力企业实现低成本运营和高质量发展。


    Abstract: To integrate and analyze construction information of sports stadiums, airport terminals, conference and exhibition hall, health care facilities, super-tall building types, and infrastructures, etc., this paper studies deeply and systematically on "big engineering data services platform" through key technology support of machine learning and tsecondary development of object-oriented technology from the key points of modern engineering controls. With in-depth analysis and summary engineering data information, the paper establishes a variety of comprehensive index on the basis of construction, design, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance, etc., which could realize forecast analysis, data mining, data visualization, and other functions, comprehensively promote management personnel at all levels in the control of the general contractor works, and enhance the intelligent control of the general contractor technology. The paper combines the design of major projects, subcontract, product supply chain resources, construction organization, and the technical difficult point plan, the new technology as well as the data resources in operation, which helps to give full play to the scale of the enterprise, all kinds of engineering construction of resources integration and sharing, therefore makes all kinds of construction resources to better serve engineering general contracting management and supports enterprises to realize low cost operation and high quality development.


