• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Development and Practice of Design Results Automatic Check System for Based on BIM

  • 摘要: 随着建筑信息模型(BIM)在智慧城市领域应用需求的不断提出,政府机构和各企事业单位为提高设计管控质量,对BIM模型的合标性及合规性提出了更具体的要求,传统人工审查的方式已经远远不能满足数据审查的需要。本文基于BIM的设计成果自动审查系统的研发与实践工作,研究了国内外BIM自动审查技术路线,并对其在国内的适用性展开分析,探讨了标准数字化和模型自动审查的技术路线,并对具体的实施步骤进行了规划,系统地阐述了BIM的设计成果自动审查实现方法,在某地产企业的落地应用实践过程,重点介绍了标准量化、标准规则化、模型检查和设计审查四个主要的过程,并对于模型审查过程中用到的模板、算法进行了较为详细的介绍,为建筑行业设计成果自动审查研发工作提供参考。


    Abstract: Besides the increasing demands of applying building information model (BIM) in the Smart City, government agencies, enterprises, and institutions, etc., also put forward more specific requirements for the BIM model compliance for the needs of application. However, the traditional manual review method fails to meet current needs of data review. Based on development and practice of design results automatic check system, this paper studies the leading BIM review route at home and abroad, analyzes its applicability in China, and discusses the technical route of standard digitization and model automatic review. Under the work above, the paper further plans the specific implementation steps, discusses the technical route of standard digitization and automatic model check, and describes implementation application results. Focusing on the four main processes of standard quantification, standard regularization, model inspection and design check, this paper introduces templates and algorithms used in the process of model, which can provide a reference for automatic check on design results in the construction industry.


