• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Development and Application of Bridge Design System Based on Cloud Computing

  • 摘要: 针对我国高速公路改扩建和城市道路项目中高架桥桥型选择节段预制拼装箱梁装配化缺乏专业软件的问题。本研究提出了一套基于云计算的桥梁协同设计系统框架,并在该框架基础上开发了节段拼装箱梁在线设计系统。经过在依托工程深圳机荷高速公路改扩建立体层高架桥梁设计中的实际应用表明,该系统可以满足节段拼装箱梁桥两阶段设计需要,能有效提升设计效率和图纸质量,且节约了可观的设计成本。同时,本研究提出的设计系统框架和设计系统开发与应用经验能够为相关桥梁设计软件的研发提供借鉴和参考。


    Abstract: There is a lack of professional software for the selection of section prefabricated assembly box girder in China's highway reconstruction and expansion and urban road projects. Therefore, this paper proposes a bridge collaborative design system framework based on cloud computing and develops an online design system. After the practical application in the project "Shenzhen Ji-He Expressway Design", its verification results show that the system can meet the design needs of the segment assembled box girder bridge and improve the design efficiency and drawing quality effectively, as well as saving the considerable design cost. Moreover, the design system framework and design system development and application experience proposed in this paper can provide a reference for the research and development of related bridge design software.


