• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Management Method of Large Volume 3D Spatial Data in Traffic Engineering

  • 摘要: 交通工程行业数据平台普遍存在数据来源广泛、数据类型异构、数据存储量巨大以及数据展示效果差等问题。本文针对上述平台存在的问题进行研究,基于三维GIS、物联网、大数据等新一代信息技术,提出适用于交通工程行业大体量三维空间数据的管理方法,对大体量三维空间数据进行轻量化、web GL渲染及交通边缘数据处理,有效解决了模型渲染瓶颈并提高了渲染效率, 对于交通工程的数字化发展产生积极的作用。


    Abstract: The data platform of traffic engineering industry generally has problems e.g. wide data sources, heterogeneous data types, huge data storage and poor data display effect. Aiming at solving existing problems above, this paper proposes a management method for large volume 3D spatial data in the traffic engineering industry based on the new generation of information technologies e.g. 3D GIS, the Internet of Things, and big data, etc., which can be employed for lightweight, web GL rendering, and traffic edge data processing of large volume 3D spatial data, effectively solving the model rendering bottleneck and improving the rendering efficiency. With the help of information technology, the paper improves the management and rendering efficiency of large volume 3D spatial data of traffic engineering related platform software, which has a positive significance for the digital development of the traffic industry.


