• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Exploration and Application of BIM Forward Design in the Whole Process of Large-scale Seawater Desalination Project

  • 摘要: 本文通过对将军澳海水化淡厂BIM正向设计流程的具体介绍,详细地阐述了项目BIM正向设计工作流程、BIM应用点以及项目CDE的创建和使用等。并通过对BIM正向参数化设计与传统设计的对比,突出了BIM正向设计可实现设计建造一体化、设计信息传递高效完整、项目设计直观及图纸更新方便快捷等优势,也暴露了传统设计虽然使用BIM技术,却不改变传统设计本质,只是一味的使用BIM技术的单一功能辅助传统设计,并且使设计与施工脱节的弊端。同时,本文借助BIM正向设计的优势,介绍了建筑信息由设计阶段高效完整传递至建造与运营阶段,在各个阶段建筑信息不断修正与丰富等特点。


    Abstract: This paper introduces the BIM forward design process of the Tseung Kwan O desalination plant in detail, and elaborates on the project BIM forward design workflow, BIM application points, and the creation and use of project CDE. Moreover, comparing BIM forward parametric design with traditional design, it is highlighted that BIM forward design can achieve the integration of design and construction, efficient and complete design information transmission, intuitive project design, and convenient and fast drawing updates. The paper also reveals that although applying BIM technology, the traditional design still keeps its stubborn, that is, blindly using the single function of BIM technology to assist traditional design and disconnects design and construction. What's more, this paper also takes advantage of BIM forward design to briefly introduce its characteristics: efficient and complete transmission of building information from the design stage to the construction and operation stages, and the continuous modification and enrichment of building information at each stage, etc.


